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Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Our Mission

The ICL mission is to inspire, educate and impact students to dare to dream.
Students work passionately towards their academic and professional goals while developing intellect and character.
They positively impact local and global communities with a multiplier effect through their outreach.  

Finn Wellman, Tiger Semler, Arush Jumar, Kirk in SD_edited.jpg
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Our Vision

We inspire through mentorship and teaching from world-champions.


We educate through award-winning leadership and social entrepreneurship.


We support the education and training of the world's most exceptional youth.



"The work of the Foundation supports each students' journey through their adolescent years. So important in building character in young people is nurturing their social and emotional development, thus contributing to balanced mental health.


The students we support are competitive and are pre-wired to win. Nevertheless, they face challenges that when overcome, will help shape their character. They have the same apprehensions and fears as other kids; by helping them focus on their identity and why they matter, they gain life skills that reinforce their sense of purpose and perspective.


They apply these skills to their passions to improve performance and well being. These lessons will continue to guide them in their careers to become champions for life."



ICL Foundation President

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